Emperor penguins are the largest of 17 penguin species and they can be found only in Antarctica. All their lives, these penguins stay in the snow and icy waters of the Antarctic region. They usually feed on small fishes, squid, and krill. Having large bodies that can reach to 1.15 meters, Emperor penguins typically overindulge on food whenever they are available. The following are other facts about these penguins:
Fact 1: Emperor penguins are the only animals that stay in Antarctica during the winter. At around May or winter time, most animals had already migrated away from the sea.
Fact 2: The feathers of Emperor penguins consist of 4 layers. The feathers are like scales that are so thick to help protect their bodies from the very cold temperatures in the Antarctic region.
Fact 3: The bills and flippers of Emperor penguins are small relative to their bodies. This basically serves them well in terms of heat conservation which they need every single day especially during the harsh winter months which also happens to be their mating season.
Fact 4: Emperor penguins are able to recycle their own body heat. With the help of their arteries and veins being situated near each other, penguins are able to move cold blood towards their limbs and transport warm blood back to their heart.
Fact 5: Emperor penguins can swim fast. Despite their small flippers, their bodies are also designed for swift movement under the water. These penguins can swim to about 7 miles per hour and this is good enough to catch fish or krill which constitute much of their diet.
Fact 6: Emperor penguins are great divers. Among birds that can swim and dive, these penguins can dive the deepest at more than 500 meters. This ability helps them consume as much food as they can to help store body fat just in time for winter season. The lungs of Emperor penguins are also strong enough to help them stay underwater for as long as 20 minutes.
Fact 7: Partner Emperor penguins are known to be monogamous for one mating season. Many of these penguins also choose the same partner for succeeding mating seasons.
Fact 8: Male Emperor penguins are the ones that incubate the eggs after they are hatched by their mothers. The females will basically leave the eggs to the males while they go out to sea and feed.
Fact 9: Male Emperor penguins do not eat while incubating their eggs. This is simply due to the fact that they cannot move around while protecting the eggs. The females are also out to sea and may not return for as long as 2 months before they themselves can go back to the sea and find some food.
Fact 10: Female Emperor penguins migrate or move away from the sea to hatch their eggs. These penguins may even travel for as far as 70 miles just to find the perfect place for their eggs.
Fact 11: Only 1/3 of young penguin will reach one year of age. This is because most of them get preyed on by other animals like the killer whales and leopard seals.
Fact 12: Emperor penguins can live to about 20 years. An average Emperor penguin will have 2 decades to enjoy his/her entire stay in the Antarctic region.
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