Facts about Dying

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Death is a very interesting topic and different cultures have unique traditions and beliefs regarding this subject.

Fact 1:

A Swedish Company provides a completely biodegradable burial by first pulverizing the body and then burying it in a container of cornstarch. Over the span of one and a half week after death the body becomes very brittle. It is then converted into powder form by applying vibrations. All the water from the body is removed with a vacuum tube and any metal filling or small objects are also removed with a metal separator. The powder is then added in a jar of cornstarch for burial anytime in the future. The powder does not decompose when kept dry.

Fact 2:

A US Company turns the remains of the dead body into diamonds- real diamonds. The process involves turning the carbon present in the dead body into graphite and which is then used in making synthetic diamond. The name of the dead is then etched on the diamond.

Fact 3:

In 1941 Henry Ford caught the dying breath of his very close friend Thomas Edison in a container. The whereabouts of the container is not known.

Fact 4:

Some Zoroastrians in India and some Tibetan Buddhists leave the dead bodies of their beloved to be devoured by the vultures. They believe that the human dead body is just a container and has no further use than to serve the purpose of food for the nature.

Fact 5:

In Madagascar people dig up the bones of their loved ones and dance with them after dressing them up. This funeral tradition is known as Famadihana.

Fact 6:

The Victorians used to take pictures with their dead family members usually because it was very expensive for them to take a picture of them alive.

Fact 7:

A US company Memorial Space Flight has now made Burial in Space possible. It provides various services such as a memorial service and a brilliant location to watch the rocket containing the cremated remains of the loved one to take off. Once the remains are in space, its location can be monitored online too as the rocket orbits around the Earth.

Fact 8:

Three days after death the digestive enzymes of the body begins to eat the body. The erupted cells then become food for the living bacteria that resides in the gut. Poisonous gases are released that inflate the body and force the eyes to pop out.

Fact 9:

In 1907 a doctor from Massachusetts conducted an experiment by designing a special death bed and reported that a human body immediately loses 21 grams when it dies.

Fact 10:

The ‘˜Black Death’ plague in the 14th century killed one quarter of the European population which was caused by transfer of germs from rodents to humans through fleas. Thus more people have died due to fleas than by any war man has ever fought.

Fact 11:

Queen Victoria wished to be buried in her deceased beloved husband Prince Albert’s bathrobe and a plaster cast of his hand.

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