Facts about Crocodiles

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The word Crocodile is derived from the ancient Greek word ‘œCrocodilos’ which means Lizard. The Crocodiles are large aquatic reptile that are found in abundance in all the wild tropical forests in Asia, Australia, Africa and America.

Here are a few notable fun facts about Crocodiles:

  • ‘˜Cocodylus Acutus’ or the American crocodile is armored with scaly and tough skins. They are mostly olive green or gray green in color and has a slender snout, which differentiates them from Alligators.

  • Unlike Alligators which are found in America, the American crocodile’s fourth tooth on their bottom jaw remains visible when they shut their mouth, which helps in discriminating them from their Alligator cousins.

  • Southern part of Florida is the only place in US where one can find both Crocodiles and Alligators in the wild.

  • The main diet of all American crocodiles consist mainly of invertebrates, small fishes, birds, smaller reptiles and also mammals.

  • Although the Australian and Nile crocodiles are infamous for their aggressive nature, the American crocodiles are comparatively reclusive and shy and are so rarely seen by people.

  • The American crocodiles, inhabits saltwater and brackish habitats and are typically found in ponds, coves, costal mangrove wetlands and in creeks and canals in the wild.

  • The mating season of the American crocodiles is between the month of January and February every year.

  • It takes around 2 to 3 months for egg incubation of the American crocodiles and they generally has a clutch size of 35-50 eggs.

  • Unlike the Alligators the Crocodiles takes of their young ones to help them get used to the water.

  • During the month of April and May the female American crocodiles builds its nest with loose dirt which she carries and deposits in the shape of a mount by the water’s edge, and hatches her eggs. The female crocodiles guards the nest fiercely from predators and when the eggs hatch in the month of July or early August, the female adult crocodile accompanies the hatchlings to the waters.

  • The length of an adult American crocodile is approximately anywhere in between 7 to 15 feet and weighs around 150- 450 pounds.

  • The lifespan of American crocodiles lies in between 60 to 70 years in the wild.

  • American crocodiles are protected under the ‘œEndangered Species Act’ as there are no more than 1000 American crocodile which are still alive in the wild as of date.

  • Crocodiles are cold blooded animals and are known to survive for a long time without any food.

  • Crocodiles release their body heat through their mouth rather than eliminating the heat through the sweat glands under their toughened and scaly skin.

  • The physical characteristics of crocodiles as they can run very fast over a short distance, and have the strongest biting capability compared any other animals found on earth, makes them very good predators.

  • It is a funny fact that though the crocodiles have strongest biting capabilities compared to any other living animals in this planet, the muscles that opens the crocodile’s jaws are not powerful, and so any reasonably strong person can hold their jaws shut with bare hands.

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