Amazing Facts about Puffer Fish

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Puffer fish gets its name from the fact that it can blow itself up into a puffy ball and appear like a balloon simply by ingesting large amounts of water.They are typically found in tropical and sub-tropical waters although some species may be found in fresh water bodies as well. They have a large mouth with a bulky head that is almost square in shape and bulging eyes.

Some other interesting facts about Puffer Fish are:

There are approximately more than 150 varieties of puffer fishes all over the world. Sizes vary from one inch long to as 2 feet long if it is a freshwater giant Puffer fish.

The average lifespan of the species is 10 years.

Although not great swimmers, Puffer fishes have the ability to safeguard themselves from their predators in their own way.They also have great eyesight.

The thick rough skin on the Puffer’s body is what helps to protect themselves from predators. Some species of Puffer fish have spines on their skin that make it impossible to eat them when they blow up.The beak shaped cluster of 4 teeth that the Puffer fish possess has the capability to crack clams and mussels on which they live.

As cute as they might appear to be, Puffer fish are poisonous; one of the most poisonous species and is considered being more harmful than cyanides. Sharks however remain unaffected by a puffer fish’s poison.

Although toxic, puffer fishes are prepared into careful meals by removing all toxic organs by the Japanese who call these fishes Fugu. Being a Fugu Chef requires special license because any carelessness in preparing the meal can result in fatal consequences.

The gall bladders of the fish are considered poisonous. Once consumed, there is no antidote to cure it. The toxins contained in them are enough to kill 30 adults at once. The brighter the colour of the fish, the more is their toxin content.

Puffer fishes that have spines are considered to be less vulnerable to predators as compared to those without spines.

Puffer fish live primarily on algae and other forms of invertebrates. The bacteria consumed by them help in synthesising the poison in their body.

Some species are said to have been affected and vulnerable to the effects of pollution and overfishing done by mankind. However, most species continue to remain unaffected.

It is difficult to maintain puffer fishes in captivity because they need space to blow up in size and they grow at a fast pace along with rapid change in dietary needs.

White spotted puffer, band-tail puffer, dog faced puffer, and spotted sharp-nose puffer are some of the varieties of this species of fishes. They do not possess any scales on their body.

Young puffer fishes are called a ‘˜fry’. They make adorable pets if they can be kept in a special aquarium and maintained accordingly.
Mating patterns are unique to the Puffer fish species. The female fishes are guided by male fishes to a place where they can lay their eggs. The eggs of the puffer fishes have a hard protective shell covering.

Puffer fishes have quite a number of unique characteristic features. Despite being fishes, some of their characteristics are much different from other fishes.

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