Books About X-Rays

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X-rays or X-radiation are a form of electromagnetic radiation with a defined wavelength. They were discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen and are often referred to as Rontgen radiation. Soon after their discovery, it was found that X-rays could be used to identify bone structures since bones contain large amounts of calcium. Since then they have been an important part of medical imaging. They can also be used to detect abnormalities in other tissues due to differing absorption rates. Due to their immense importance in the medical field, there have been a multitude of books written on the subject—clinical, academic, and even children’s books.

  1. Stuck Up!: 100 Objects Inserted and Ingested in Places They Shouldn’t be by Rich E. Dreben; Murdoc Knight; Marty A. Sindhian: This multi-faceted book is a collection of X-rays and explanations of unusual items that have ended up in the human body, accidentally or on purpose. At first glance, it is simply a fun and slightly eccentric book but at a closer look, the X-rays and what they represent provide a glimpse of human imagination and nature.
  2. Amazing X-Rays by Paul Becker: This series of children’s books has three parts—the human body, wild animals and pets. All three contain X-rays and explanations of those X-rays for young children. It a wonderful way to introduce young people to the world of medical imaging as well as instil curiosity about the world around them
  3. Interpreting Chest X-rays: Illustrated with 100 Cases by Pillip End and Foong-Koon Cheah: This medical text is a useful book for medical students and young doctors alike with clear and concise explanations provided along with illustrations.
  4. X-Ray Vision: The Evolution of Medical Imaging and Its Human Significance by Richard B. Gunderman: This book chronicles the journey of X-rays through the medical field from the perspectives of both sides of the table. Through stories and illustrations, it tells of the doctors and scientists who have worked hard to further the field of medical imaging and the patients whose lives have been changed and saved by the technology.
  5. Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction by Emil Zolotoyabko: Written by a renowned university professor, this book explores the concepts behind X-ray diffraction through a series of lectures on the subject. It is an academic book that should be of great interest to anyone fascinated by the subject.
  6. X-Rays: The First Hundred Years by Alan Michette and Slwa Pfauntsch: This book, published in the honor of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays is a collection of essays by prominent scientists on X-rays and its historical importance, modern use, and future implications.
  7. X-Ray: See Through the World Around You by Nick Veasey: Everyone is familiar with images of X-rays of bones and chests but this author takes you on a different journey with X-rays of everyday objects and makes you look at the world around you in a different light.
  8. X-Ray Vision: Nikola Tesla on Roentgen Rays by Nikola Tesla: An old, but still relevant collection of essays on X-radiation written by one of the sharpest minds in history.
  9. Broken Bones: The X-Ray Atlas of Fractures  by Felix S. Chew; Hyojeong Mulcahy; Christin M. Brown: This book will be fascinating to anyone with an interest in fractures. It is a collection of 369 cases of fractures arranged by body part, from simple fractures to complicated broken bones with illustrations in the form of X-rays and CT scans as well as explanations.
  10. History of X-rays and Radium by F. Mould: This book delves into the entire history of X-rays, its discovery and applications. It is a great non-fiction book for educational purposes.

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