What is utilitarianism?

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Utilitarianism refers to an ethical theory that involves the idea of whatever makes more people happy or satisfied is generally the right thing to do or the right course of action to take.  If more people are pleased with a certain attitude for example, then this kind of attitude considered utilitarian because it represents something that is deemed or accepted good or right by other people.  If happiness is promoted and the suffering is reduced, the action is considered a means of maximizing one’s utility.  The action taken that resulted for the good of more people is considered the main idea of utilitarianism as an ethical principle or theory.

The idea of utilitarianism was first brought about by various philosophers and experts like John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham among many other notable people.  In one of Stuart Mill’s books called “Utilitarianism”, the principle of producing good or happiness for more people rooted from the so-called golden rule presented by the Bible’s story on Jesus Christ himself.  In the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ promoted to love neighbors as people would love themselves.  According to the author, this story of Jesus is the main idea between utilitarianism.  If people can make more people happy by doing a certain course of action, then this action is considered the right thing to do.  If the action is taken and is considered accepted by most people because they become happy instead of having to suffer, then this particular action is considered the most ethical and right way to do things.

When applied to the daily lives of people, democratic governments are considered as great examples of utilitarian leaderships.  In democracy, various rights of people are upheld and people are considered generally happy with their rights and privileges as citizens of a particular country.  Being able to rule over people and yet give them freedom in so many ways is a common example of utilitarianism.

Utilitarianism refers to an ethical theory that involves the idea of whatever makes more people happy or satisfied is generally the right thing to do or the right course of action to take.  If more people are pleased with a certain attitude for example, then this kind of attitude considered utilitarian because it represents something that is deemed or accepted good or right by other people.  If happiness is promoted and the suffering is reduced, the action is considered a means of maximizing one’s utility.  The action taken that resulted for the good of more people is considered the main idea of utilitarianism as an ethical principle or theory.

The idea of utilitarianism was first brought about by various philosophers and experts like John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham among many other notable people.  In one of Stuart Mill’s books called “Utilitarianism”, the principle of producing good or happiness for more people rooted from the so-called golden rule presented by the Bible’s story on Jesus Christ himself.  In the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ promoted to love neighbors as people would love themselves.  According to the author, this story of Jesus is the main idea between utilitarianism.  If people can make more people happy by doing a certain course of action, then this action is considered the right thing to do.  If the action is taken and is considered accepted by most people because they become happy instead of having to suffer, then this particular action is considered the most ethical and right way to do things.

When applied to the daily lives of people, democratic governments are considered as great examples of utilitarian leaderships.  In democracy, various rights of people are upheld and people are considered generally happy with their rights and privileges as citizens of a particular country.  Being able to rule over people and yet give them freedom in so many ways is a common example of utilitarianism.

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