What is Pinterest?

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Pinterest is a popular website for people who wish to share photos online and share comments and stories with other people.  Members of Pinterest are able to “pin” or post different images and even videos of everything from personal pictures to food recipes and even travel tips.  The main feature of Pinterest is that it allows users to create different “pinboards” to organize photos.  One pinboard may contain all family photos including those taken at home and during vacations.  This pinboard may be shared with friends and other relatives.  For people with hobbies, another pinboard may be created for this particular purpose.  When a person is into biking for example, he/she may post pictures of biking trips on this particular board.  Famous biking trails and tips for other riders may also be posted on the same board.  In this way, other Pinterest users who may have the same interest may also comment or like the contents of this board.

What makes Pinterest different from other photo-sharing and social media sites is that it allows users to organize their photos much like making different albums.  Each album is represented by its own pinboard and users can simply pin favorite and related images to this board.  The content on this board may be sourced from personal pictures or from other users in the popular photo-sharing site.  Images on websites visited may also be added to a specific pinboards.  The best thing about pinning photos from various websites is that a special “Pin It” button may be downloaded to one’s browser to easily pin images to its own pinboard.  In this way, users need not save the pictures on their computers and have it uploaded or pinned to their Pinterest account.

With social networking features also available on the site, posts or the pinboards or other users may also be “liked” and commented upon.  Users simply organize their own mainpage and choose which pinboards to view.  If a user has various interests in different topics, he/she may choose to find specific content and follow desired pinboards for them to be shown in his/her mainpage.


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