What is Implantation Bleeding like?

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Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding happens when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall. For a woman looking to conceive, implantation bleeding often signifies the wellness of a pregnancy. However, one needs to carefully examine the kind of bleeding that happens to be certain that it is implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs in about one third of women and is normal. Though the bleeding is typically light compared to menstruation period, there are women who experience heavy spotting as the egg attaches to the uterine walls. Ideally, implantation bleeding should only happen to females that are active sexually. It is important for each woman who has attained the age of child bearing to be aware of the differences existing between various types of bleeding. This knowledge is useful in helping them predict with accuracy the time when the birth of a baby is expected. Though this isn’t a requirement, it goes a long way in helping doctors tell the exact time when the baby would be delivered. Females that are not active sexually may experience spotting between periods. It is important to see a gynecologist should this happen to identify the cause of spotting.

Implantation Bleeding Timing

In many situations, implantation bleeding occurs within the first twelve days after sexual intercourse. Usually, implantation bleeding is light and can happen around the same time after ovulation. Of importance to recall is that implantation bleeding is as a result of the attaching of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. This implies that heavy bleeding may occur. Should heavy bleeding happen, it is essential to consult a gynecologist to get information about one’s condition. In actual fact, implantation bleeding occurs as tissues surrounding the egg cause damage to a blood vessel within the uterine lining. This damage is usually mild resulting to dripping of little amounts of blood in the cervix. Spotting tends to occur over a few days but repetitive spotting is very unlikely. Implantation bleeding is very light compared to periods. It may appear in faint pink and clears in about two days.

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