What is Dezender?


What is Dezender?

‘Dezender’ refers to a software that is able to decrypt and/or decompile codes that are made through the PHP program.  Through a combination of decompilation, decompression, and de-encrypting methods, Dezender is able to decode PHP files that are made through the Zend Encoder. For example, Files made from other software systems like ionCube or Source Guardian may also be opened and decoded through Dezender.

In the case of ionCube, Dezender provides compatibility options for both Windows operating systems and Linux platforms.  PHP files up to version 5.4 may also be decoded using De-ionCube which is part of the Dezender suite of products. Other Dezender software products are De-MultiEval, Zend Optimizer, and PHP Cipher among many others.  Many of these software systems are designed for both the Linux and Windows computer system user.  But there are also online versions for people who may be using other operating systems and platforms.

Dezender software products have great features when it comes to decompilation technology involving PHP files.  Files that are created from the SafeGuard platform, for example, can easily be decoded into very simple and easy-to-understand PHP program texts.  Another great feature is that Dezender is able to retain the original functions and capabilities of the old file to the decrypted, decompiled, and new result file.  Through Dezender, one also does not need to worry whether the file to be decoded and decompiled has lost its license or has a time-stamp on it.  Decompilation can be done through Dezender even if the files are have expired licenses, for example.  There is also no concern when it comes to decompressing very large files of more than 500 megabytes and files that are hard-coded to specific domain networks and/or IP addresses.  The online version of Dezender decompression and decompilation technology also suits the needs of people who are always on the go or who may be using PHP files on a different platform other than Windows and Linux.

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2 Responses

  1. Charles

    April 11, 2013 1:42 pm

    This software is alright.. but it doesn’t always decode everything perfectly. Another really good decoding software is Decrypt (decry.pt). I’ve used them for iocube and zend.. perfect everything time, so far.


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