What is Buoyant Force?

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What is Buoyant Force?
Buoyant force refers to the amount of pressure exerted on a particular object when placed on some kind of fluid. In scientific terms, fluids may either be liquid or gas. This concept is based on the Archimedes principle that the force acting on an object in a liquid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. This simply means that a particular object must be able to displace more fluid when compared to its own weight for it to float. If such object is said to be denser, it will then sink.

Increase in buoyant force is said to be proportional to an increase in depth. This explains why the buoyant force or pressure at the bottom of a particular object is greater than the force on top. And regardless of the object’s weight or density, whether it floats or sinks, some buoyant force is still present.

There are a variety of factors that could affect the amount of force exerted by the fluid on a particular object. This particular concept is clearly evident when one tries to hold a cork down a glass of water. If the hand holding down the cork on the bottom of the glass is removed, the cork will immediately float back up. This demonstrates the idea that some force should be maintained on the cork to keep it on the bottom of the glass. And while it is in the bottom of the glass, it still has a natural tendency to float back up. This tendency is the force exerted by the fluid on the cork, which makes it go back up. And with this example, it is clear that buoyancy force will increase if the cork’s volume and density are also increased. This force will also be affected by the force of gravity present.

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