What are Irreconcilable Differences?

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What are Irreconcilable Differences?
Irreconcilable differences refer to differences between a married couple which are said to be irreparable and irreversible. This condition qualifies as a ground for divorce in some countries. Couples who want to end their marriage may use this ground to let the courts allow the dissolution of their marriage.

In legal cases, lawyers that represent couples wanting to have a divorce must prove to the court that the supposed “differences” between the couple is so severe that forcing them to live together is considered unhealthy and almost impossible. In most divorce cases, irreconcilable differences usually involve a lot of things that couples may disagree on. One big source of disagreement and “difference” is on money. It is all but common that spouses have different views on how to earn, spend, save, and manage money. One spouse may be the type to be meticulous with expenses and aims to save a lot, while the other may be more of a spender and doesn’t care much about budgeting and saving. For some couples, simple budgeting for basic necessities may be a cause of constant quarrelling and arguments. Over time, this could lead to bigger problems in the relationship, making divorce an option and using irreconcilable differences as the ground.

But aside from money issues and disagreements in the household, there are a variety of other things and concerns that may be presented to court to prove that the differences between spouses are indeed “irreconcilable”. Some of these concerns and conditions that may lead to irreconcilable differences are long periods of separation, personality conflicts, emotional detachment or un-involvement, distrust, and resentment among others.

But some jurisdictions do not need proof of the supposed irreconcilable differences between married couples. Some couples are just required to submit petitions and documents and the judge will just take care of splitting the couple’s assets amicably and offer terms for agreement on child custody issues, if the couple has kids.

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