Famous Vegans in History

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What are the odds that show how famous historical figures are certified vegans? More importantly, what are ‘vegans’? Certainly, an ordinary person would research what it means. Actually, the word ‘vegan’ is coined from the word vegetarian. Now that we know what vegan means, here’re some of the famous vegans of history.

1. Siddhartha Gautama


Siddharta Gautama
Siddharta Gautama

            As most of us know, he is Buddha. His way of life started changing from luxury to absolutely nothing after witnessing the world outside of his palace. He’s taken no pleasure in money, women, and not even after his wife gave birth to his son. Gautama left his palace to wander, learn about religion, and attain inner peace. Because he valued life, he did not make food out of the meat of animals thinking that people’s souls may be locked inside the animals’ bodies. Maybe that’s how he has become a renowned vegan.

2. Plato


            Plato is a Greek philosopher and mathematician. He is also the infamous student of Socrates as well as the mentor of Aristotle. He is the writer of the philosophical text entitled The Republic that talks all about justice. Research says he was especially influenced by his mentor and some other great philosophers who have contributed to his overflowing knowledge of the world. Plato also had a resistance in physical expressions of love.

3. Ovid


              Ovid is a Roman poet. He specializes in creating stories about elegies, adultery, parodies, derived from Greek mythology. He was also the writer of Metamorphoses which tells stories about the changes in forms of organisms. Because of some of his works, he was sent into exile. This shows his witty views and the realm of his works, especially the one that tells of Julius Caesar’s marriage.

4. Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi

           Gandhi is recognized for being an Indian nationalist leader. He is a certified advocate of peace or non-violence. Not only is he known for his great political achievements, he is also an active religious leader. His resistance to violence may have been a clue on how we can identify his being a vegan.

5. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin

            Remember the story about flying a kite amidst a thunderstorm? It all happened when Benjamin Franklin was alive. He is a recognized American writer, inventor, diplomat, and scientist. He was credited for his inventions of bifocals, the stove, and lightning rods. He was the one who had discovered electricity.

6. Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin

            Charles Darwin is an English naturalist. He was the one who developed the Theory of Evolution of man. He stated in his theory that man came from the long line of apes. Other than his study of origin, he also specializes in the study of biology, geology, anatomy, and geography. He has been credited for his contributions in science. According to research, he was very influenced by his grandfather who was also a famous scientist. His father, however, was not impressed by his achievements since their ideas did not match each others’. How he became a vegan must have had something to do with his fear of blood.

 7. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci

             Leonardo da Vinci is a renowned artist. He is said to have withdrawn himself from society. The reason was said to be because he was often humiliated and cast aside. Most of his artwork was unfinished but showed realism, especially the anatomical figures of humans. Three of his famous works include his painting of Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and Vitruvian Man. Details about his life were written down in the book entitled ‘Da Vinci Code,’ which also tells about the secrets behind his works.

8. Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison

            We all know who Thomas Edison is. He was the one who invented the light bulb. His interest in motion pictures also contributed to his invention of the kinetoscope. He also developed the phonograph. In some research about his early life, he was said to be a poor student and that he was homeschooled by his mother. He was also said to have lost his hearing at an early age and the reasons are still unclear.

9. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

             Einstein is the brain behind the formula of relativity, e=mc2. His life was one of the peculiar ones, since he did not like it. He was said to be a strange man. Some research says that he had a late development with his speech, failed his university entrance exam, and was a notorious ladies’ man which later became the reason for his divorce from his first wife. Though these were said to be true, we cannot remove the fact that he truly is a man of great honor, especially in the field of science.

10.Martin Luther

Martin Luther
Martin Luther

            He was a Catholic priest and reformer. His life had changed from his parents’ wish for Luther to become a lawyer until he was nearly struck by lightning which convinced him that he was not fit to become one. Martin Luther proved to be an absolute servant to God. Because of his faith, he was able to create his own religion called Lutheranism.

 These vegans surely have contributed to our modern times. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to give what you have just to be of service to others? They’ve been good examples of dignified people with dignified inventions and works. For whatever reason they have for not eating meat, it must obviously have been part of their ultimate principles.

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