Ten Riveting Facts About MRSA

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1. MRSA is sometimes called superbug.

  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus are cluster of gram positive bacteria under microscope.
  • These are a tougher strain of Staphylococcus aureus.
  • The counterpart of MRSA is MSSA (Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus).
  • Methicillin is a semi-synthetic (narrow spectrum) antibiotic drug that belongs to the penicillin class which is widely used to treat bacterial infection.
  • MRSA develop resistance to staph infection antibiotics caused by mutation of genes of the bacteria that make it extremely virulent.

2. MRSA is an opportunistic microorganism.

  • aureus is a native inhabitant of your skin and respiratory tract (commonly found in the nose) that even healthy people has it.
  • MRSA carriers may not display symptoms.
  • It is not always pathogenic until they have the chance at right circumstances to cause infection.
  • Often due to self administration of antibiotics wherein bacteria are not completely destroyed that may soon resist antibiotic treatments.

3. MRSA targets people with weak immune system.

  • The immune system works to protect the body from any microorganisms and foreign substances that threatens the body.
  • Immune suppression may lead to susceptibility to variety of infections and diseases.
  • HIV patients, people on chemotherapy and long term use of steroids are among those MRSA high risk groups.

4. MRSA is the major pathogen acquired in Hospitals.

  • It is called nosocomial infection that may cause a considerably high incidence of illness and death or even health care costs.
  • The infection is a result of invasive procedure (surgery and insertion of tubing – catheters or feeding tubes) which are prone to contamination.
  • Health care providers can spread the infection from one patient to another without performing proper techniques and precautions.
  • MRSA infection can also be acquired in crowded community living condition

5. MRSA can lead to potentially fatal complication.

  • If left untreated, the bacterial toxins can penetrate deep into the internal organs and may be released to the blood stream causing bacteremia.
  • The infection may likely end in toxic shock syndrome, a life-threatening condition.

6. MRSA prognosis varies.

  • It is determine by the overall condition of the patient and the severity of the infection.
  • It also depends on the patient’s response to treatment.
  • The prognosis is poor mostly on patients with immunocompromised status and with existing chronic medical condition (such as Diabetes).

7. MRSA poses a great challenge in clinical medicine.

  • These bacteria are quite difficult to treat as it develops resistance to standard types of antibiotics thus confining to a limited option of the treatment.


8. MRSA transmission from livestock is possible.

  • MRSA epidemiology had reached its circulation to the livestock industry.
  • Livestock-associated MRSA has the capacity to transmit the infection to human.
  • Antibiotics are widely used in food animal production which is a contributing factor of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


9. Vancomycin is the wonder drug for the super bug.

  • This is an intravenous form of antibiotics to treat invasive MRSA.
  • It has been proven that this drug has compounds known to be sensitive to this specific strain of staph bacteria.
  • It is considered as the first line of antibiotic therapy for treatment of MRSA infection.
  • Oral antibiotics like clindamycin or co-trimoxazole is given to patient with mild infection.


10. MRSA can be prevented and controlled from spreading.

  • Standard precautions are universal procedures carried out for infection control.
  • Hand washing is the single basic practice to avoid cross contamination in healthcare facilities.
  • Use of personal protective equipments (PPE’s such as gown, gloves etc.) is also employed under this control measure.


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