Ten Mind-enhancing Facts About Osteoporosis

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1.Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones.

  • It came from the Greek word ‘osteo’ means bone and ‘porosis’ means porous.
  • It is a condition where tissue structures become abnormal due to loss of bone density and mass.
  • Bones may become brittle and increases its fragility.

2.Osteoporosis is a silent disease.

  • Osteoporosis is not literally losing a bone.
  • It is actually an alteration of bone quality and deterioration of bone tissue.
  • It is a progressive bone disease.
  • The onset is gradual and painless.
  • Symptoms may only appear on the advanced stage of the disease.

3.Osteoporosis is common among Female.

  • It is seen on women of increasing age usually older than 50.
  • Besides slow postural reflex that makes elderly more at risk for fall, osteoporosis is also associated with hormonal changes after menopause.
  • This is termed as primary osteoporosis.
  • Hormones are modulators of bone formation for optimal bone maintenance.
  • They play an auxiliary and supportive role in regulating bone cells.

4. Osteoporosis is diagnosed by bone mineral density measurement.

  • This is a diagnostic procedure as well as preventive measure against osteoporosis.
  • Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is used to measure bone density at the spine which is FDA approved.
  • Laboratory testing of blood serum calcium level is also helpful to check for calcium deficiency.

5. Osteoporosis is risk factor for fractures.

  • Bone fracture is one of the major complications of a porous bone.
  • Even on minor fall or a bump into something hard where the vulnerable bony parts received the impact, you can break your bone so easily.
  • Mortality of osteoporosis is due to complications of fracture such as deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

6. Osteoporotic fracture site is common at the spine or hip.

  • Spinal fracture secondary to osteoporosis may lead to occurrence of chronic pain neurologic in origin brought about by nerve involvement.
  • This is due to compression because of pressure placed on the weakened vertebrae (small bones of the spine).

7. Osteoporosis has a possible strong genetic component.

  • Genetic factors are determinants of osteoporotic fracture risk.
  • In rare instances, mutation of a single gene contributes to development of osteoporosis.

 8. Osteoporosis can be drug induced.

  • This is termed as secondary osteoporosis.
  • Glucocorticoid medicines tend to reduce the rate of new bone formation.
  • Synthetic steroids also interfere with the metabolism and absorption of essential calcium in the body.
  • Other drugs that may cause the bone to weaken are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) which inhibits certain kind of molecular activity in bone remodeling

9. Osteoporosis may cause disconcerting physical deformities.

  • Most common physical skeletal distortions are kyphosis and scoliosis secondary to osteoporosis.
  • Osteoporosis can be managed non-surgically but the deformity is another story.
  • But with advancement in technology surgical manipulation to correct deformity is now available.
  • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are among those innovative techniques.

10. Osteoporosis can be prevented.

  • A sedentary lifestyle may cause a lot of health related illnesses.
  • Exercise is the best way to keep your bones strong especially those activities that makes you work against gravity.
  • This types of exercises help improve balance and posture
  • Examples are weight bearing exercises such as walking, jogging or climbing stairs and strengthening exercises such as free light weight lifting (use of small dumbbells) or use of resistance band.
  • Foods or supplements high in calcium and vitamin D can help to build strong bones.
  • Calcium helps build strong bones but it should be taken along with vitamin D for absorption.


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