Facts About Zimbabwe

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Zimbabwe is located on the southern part of Africa and it was once a British colony. The country attained its independence recently in 1980 and has been ruled by one person, Robert Mugabe, since then. Fascinatingly, Zimbabwe was once the site of an ancient wealthy nation called Ophir from where it is believed King Solomon bought gold and ivory.

Fact 1: In August 2002, President Mugabe gave an order that all white farmers should leave their commercial land without any compensation. The farmers complied and this has resulted in many foreign sanctions placed on Zimbabwe.

Fact 2: Since the year 2000, the financial system of Zimbabwe has undergone significant ruin and hyperinflation. At one point the inflation rocketed to a stupendous 500,000,000%.

Fact 3: According to studies by WHO on life expectancy, people in Zimbabwe have a very short lifespan of 45 years.

Fact 4: Rigging of presidential elections is a common occurrence in Zimbabwe and also human rights violations.

Fact 5: Zimbabwe is the only country where the natural currency has been abandoned due to inflation and citizens are forced to use foreign currencies like the US Dollar and South Africa Rand.

Fact 6: Both customary and civil marriages are recognized in Zimbabwe, with customary marriage being largely polygamous.

Fact 7: Even though divorce is legal in Zimbabwe, it is not common and is considered a stigma amongst women.

Fact 8: Traditional healers who practice traditional healing are popular in Zimbabwe. They are sought after for their religious counsel and healing powers.

Fact 9: Children in Zimbabwe greatly value education and most walk over 10km to attend school every day.

Fact 10: Zimbabwe citizens usually have an affinity of copying what their immediate neighbors are doing. For example, if someone sets up a small cake business and succeeds, then many people will start selling cakes.

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