Facts About Polar Bears

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Fact 1: The scientific name of Polar Bear is Ursus maritimus. The weight of an adult Polar bear ranges from 775 pounds to 1200 pounds. Very rarely do Polar bears weigh more than 1200 pounds. The female bear weighs from 330 pounds to 650 pounds.

Fact 2: Polar bears are the largest, non-aquatic predators in the world. They occupy the top position in the food chain in the Arctic region.

Fact 3: It is estimated by the World Conservation Union that the number of Polar bears in the world ranges from 20,000 to 25,000. They are dependent on pack ice for their survival.

Fact 4: The female Polar bear can give birth up to two or three cubs. The cubs will remain with the mother for about two and one-half years.

Fact 5:  Polar bears mostly feed on Ringed Seals and to some extent on Bearded Seals. They also feed on Beluga whale, walrus, Bowhead whale, birds, carcasses, kelp, and vegetation.

Fact 6: Polar bears usually move around alone and do not live in groups except during the time of breeding or rearing cubs.

Fact 7: Polar bears that are not breeding will not hibernate in winter. The pregnant bears have to eat sufficiently during the summer to store certain reserves for the hibernating period.

Fact 8: During the hibernation period, the Polar bear will give birth to a cub which weighs around one pound at the time of birth. The adult bear will nurse the cubs till they reach 20 to 30 pounds of weight. The nursing will be completed before the adult bear finishes its hibernating period.

Fact 9: The fur of the Polar bears is dense. It has an undercoat which is insulating and is covered by guard hairs. The shaft of the hair is transparent with a hollow core. The hair does not have any pigment.

Fact 10: The paws of Polar bears are made to enable the animal to roam in the Arctic comfortably. The paws measure 12 inches across and help the bear to distribute its weight when moving on the ice.

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