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FACT 1: The scientific name of the jellyfish is Aurelia aurita. This is the most commonly available species of jellyfish. It is otherwise called the common jellyfish or moon jellyfish.

FACT 2: Jellyfish are mostly available in the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic oceans, and they are also seen on reefs as well as in shallow, coastal waters.

FACT 3: The body of the moon jellyfish is translucent, and its diameter ranges from six to eight inches. Jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria and the family Ulmaridae. The body of the jellyfish is radially symmetrical.

FACT 4: The body constitutes a sac-like structure which has the gastrovascular cavity inside. The opening present for the gastrovascular cavity acts both as an anus and a mouth. There are special structures surrounding the opening known as tentacles. The tentacles are used for feeding and protection.

FACT 5: Jellyfish do not have lungs or a tracheal system for respiration. They receive oxygen through a process called diffusion via a thin membrane present in their body. The epidermis layer forms the outer layer of the body wall. The middle layer of the body wall is made up of mesoglea and the inner layer by gastrodemis.

FACT 6: Jellyfish exhibit two major stages called the polyp stage and medusa stage. The former stage remains attached to a substrate while the latter is a free swimming form.

FACT 7: The polyp form is usually involved in asexual reproduction like budding and fragmentation. The medusa form releases the gametes which fertilize in the water. The eggs will hatch into larvae that are ciliated. These larvae will grow into polyps.

FACT 8: When anything brushes over the Cnidocytes, toxin-containing nematocysts are released from the Cnidocytes which make the prey stay near the mouth. The tentacles drive the prey into the gastrovascular cavity so that it is acted upon by the digestive enzymes.

FACT 9: Jellyfish consume organisms like copepods, zooplanktons, bivalves, cladocerans, and larvaceans.

FACT 10: Jellyfish do not consist of brain, blood, or nervous system.

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