Facts About Bullying

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Fact 1: The statistics on bullying reveals that it is an increasing problem among teenagers and children.

Fact 2: Bullying has many types, such as: teenage bullying, cyber-bullying, adult bullying, child bullying, and bullying in school. Physical bullying involves punching, causing physical harm, beating, and pushing.

Fact 3: Bullying leads to severe emotional wounds and damage to the self-esteem of the victim. Identifying the influence of bullying on the victim and correcting the damage caused by harassment at the earliest is very important.

Fact 4: Teasing the person by calling his or her name is verbal bullying. Social bullying is characterized by spreading rumors and breaking up friendships.

Fact 5: Using digital technologies for emailing, sending text messages, and using the Internet to harm others comes under cyber-bullying.

Fact 6: People who engage in bullying activities like to make use of their power, popularity, and strength for harming or controlling others. They will target people who are weak in strength and do not have enough power to defend themselves.

Fact 7: The person doing bullying will not cause harm to others accidentally. He intentionally causes harm to others physically or emotionally.

Fact 8: Bullying is not done only once.  It is repeated upon the same person to cause deep, emotional injury to the person.

Fact 9: Parents have to look for any signs shown by their child after coming home if the child was a victim of bullying. A child showing signs, such as: not being able to sleep well, having changes in eating habits, acting out of character, feelings of low self-esteem, blaming oneself for all the problems may indicate that he or she suffers from bullying.

Fact 10: Children who become bullies might have personal features like: not being able to control anger, becoming frequently violent, controlling others, quickly blaming others, not accepting their mistakes, wanting to become the best in everything, etc.

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