Facts About Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are inserts that are of Cimicidae family. They’re reddish-brown in color. Their main source of food is blood, they suck blood from the hosts by biting their exposed skin. Bed bugs are often in and have a flat rounded body. Due to your body size, they can comfortably live in places like cracks, bed frames, mirror and picture frames also, behind wallpapers and wall hangings undetected. There are a lot of species of bed bugs found in the world today and the minimum number of species known is about 92. Bed bugs are considered to be one of the stubborn insects and cause serious health problems to humans.

Bed bugs in recent times have been surrounded by a lot of myths. However, we will concentrate on the facts pertaining to bed bugs in this article. These include:

Fact 1:    The female bed bugs lay about 200 to 500 eggs in their entire lifespan and five eggs in a day. The eggs have a unique milky-white colour which can easily be detected by human eye. The eggs weigh about 2 grains. The eggs are normally laid in obscure places like the back of frames of furniture, cracks in walls, etc. and left to hatch.

Fact 2:    The baby bed bugs which are also known as Nymphs break forth from the eggs within two weeks and start nourishing. The eggs at initial stage are very muggy and usually stick on the ground or floor.

Fact 3:    Bed bug’s total lifespan is about four weeks and can go as long as 9 weeks. However, the nympal stage of these inserts fall between the 14th day to the 30th day. The colour of a nymph pale yellowish.

Fact 4:    Bed bugs feed on their host during the night as well daytime. Bed bugs have two tube-like structures which are very essential in attacking the prey. They secrete salivated substance comprising of an anticoagulants and anesthetics that is essential in lubricating the surface of the skin of the host. Mostly, bedbugs deliver strong bites that are painful which last for few minutes but can be more intense for a couple of minutes.

Fact 4:    Bed bugs are globally spread, and can be found in Africa, Asia, Europe, America just to mention a few. This establishes the fact that bed bugs existence is not only the headache of under developing countries but a global issue. The hygienic condition of an area is not a regulatory factor or means for the presence of bed bugs.

Fact 4:    Bed bugs rely on blood of their host within a period of 5 to 10 days and suck blood for a maximum of 10 minutes. Bed bugs cannot survive where there is limited supply of food. They need to feed constantly.

Fact 5:    Bed bugs are capable of walking 30.48 meters or more especially at night in search food although they prefer to reside within a range of 2.4 meters away their host.

Fact 6:    When bed bugs bite it may take some minutes before the host start experiencing pain. This may be attributed by production of salivated substance which contains anesthesia hence relieving pain. It is worth noting that a person’s reaction to the bite may vary.

Facts 7:    There is no evidence that shows that bed bugs aid in the spread of HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis A, or any other disease that can be transferred through the exchange of blood. However, the powerful bits the insects deliver can cause itching, undue scratching of the body and skin infections.

Facts 8:    Bed bugs have six legs and antennas like other insects. They belong to Animalia kingdom, family of Cimicidae, species of Cimex Lectularius and a class of inseta.

Fact 9:    The female adult bed bugs require blood before they lays eggs. Moreover, blood is vital when flaking off the skin. Intensified flaking requires much or intense sucking or feeding.

Facts 10:    There are no laydown or special treatment for bites from bed bugs. However, intense itching can be relieved by oral antihistamines and steroid ointments  or balms.

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