Facts About Argentina

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Fact 1: The second largest country in South America is Argentina. The country is surrounded by Paraguay and Bolivia in the north and Uruguay and Brazil in the northeast. The region in the west is bordered by Chile. The eastern part of Argentina is towards the south Atlantic Ocean.

Fact 2: The area of Argentina constitutes 2,791,810 square kilometers. The area of this country present in the Antarctic is 969,464 square kilometers. The Argentinian Islands present in the Atlantic Ocean occupy an area of 4,150 square kilometers. The entire area constitutes 3,761,274 square kilometers.

Fact 3: Argentina has a length of 3,800 kilometers extending from the north to the south. It has the length of 1,423 kilometers from  the east towards the west.

Fact 4: The population of Argentina, as per the census taken in the year 1998, is 32.6 million. About half of the population in the country is found to be living in the province of Buenos Aires.

Fact 5: About 55 percent of Argentina’s population consists of Caucasians. About 50 percent of the population in this country consists of Indians as well as Spanish.

Fact 6: The urban population of Argentina is 88.1 percent while the density of the population is 12.9 individuals per square kilometer.

Fact 7: About 95 percent of the population belongs to the religion of the Catholic Church. Protestantism, other Christian and non-Christian religions and Judaism are also practiced. But the law requires the President and Vice-president of the country to be Roman Catholics.

Fact 8: Argentina extends from the region of the tropic of Capricorn in the north to 55 percent latitude in the south. The northern regions have a tropical climate and the Chaco, Formosa, and Misiones regions have a subtropical climate.

Fact 9: The provinces present in the middle of the country have a temperate climate while the Tierra del Fuego has a subarctic climate.

Fact 10: About 96 percent of the people in Argentina are literate. Folk dancing and gaucho folk songs constitute important parts of the traditional music of Argentina. Tango was developed in Buenos Aires and is considered a favorite ballroom dance all over the World.

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